Category: Finance

10 January 2022

talk less and put words into action!😂

more than twenty years ago, such fundings are not so common. people buy you and not your company and word of mouth played an important role then. look at how Grab was able to secure few good angel investors in the company! i hope that this article will serve as an inspiration for your start up! i personally think looking out to the west is […]

2 March 2021

so what is the deal with “gurus” who predict correctly the rise and fall of market indexes?

*some thoughts on financial gurus…* so what is the deal with “gurus” who predict correctly the rise and fall of market indexes? these “gurus” probably spent much time analysing the fundamental and technicality of the indexes. if they are vested in the market, they probably will feel the excitement, and chances are that they will spend most of their time glued to the computer screen […]

21 February 2021

the future of money is gold and not cryptocurrencies!

the successor money to failing fiat is gold, not cryptocurrencies. Cryptos can only act as stores of value so long as fiat exists. some complementing reasons i can think of are: people who invest in bitcoin are speculators. putting money in bitcoin is popular but just hype, a trend, and a gamble. the real McCoy is gold cos’ of its rich history from ancient times. […]

15 March 2020

an add-on to some thoughts on financial trading

an out of the world thought on trading, there are winners and losers, the winner will sweep the money from the losers into their own pockets, it’s like conquest over their assets. if you trade, you are thinking of making others’ money your own. this is morally incorrect. no good karma in such money-making scheme. i conclude that trading is gambling and nothing beats a […]

29 November 2019

about financial trading

after all these years of accumulating experience with forex and shares trading, i dare to conclude that trading for short term is participating in a form of scam. if you want to make money in short term trading, you have to be a cheat! adding on, indulging in short term trading is also a form of gambling, there is an element of luck involved. surely, […]

9 January 2019

so…you want to trade for a living…

the video below is applicable to all financial instruments, if you fully grasp this, you will know what trading is about and it will help a lot in making some beer money. fyi, this video was made no longer available on their company website since three years ago. i am putting this up for the sake of sharing and not in anyway accusing of any […]

29 December 2017

Caller ID Spoofing: How Scammers Use Local and Trusted Numbers, including alphanumeric names, to Trick You

a little information on caller id spoofing:   spam sms, no number, just name: They’ve set the originator field to alphanumeric. Among other things, this means it wasn’t sent directly from a cellular device (from where the sender number can’t be modified). The originator field is 10 bytes maximum for content. When set to alphanumeric, the 7-bit SMS default alphabet is used, limiting […]